Lexi's choir concert pictures from yesterday (saturday june 28th) and Sunday School Picnic pictures from today (sunday June 29th) !
Hopefully I'll get these up tommorrow...at least the concert pictures I will. It's way past my bedtime at 11:40pm! Have a good night!
June 29, 2008
Posted by Blessed By Four at 10:39 PM 0 comments
June 25, 2008
Marisa has this nightly routine....she goes to bed; then at 2-3am she either comes in our room and crawls in bed with us or comes out to the living room and curls up on the foam chair. Well this is what we found in the morning. When bob got the camera out it woke up kaiden. He apparently got up and decided she looked comfy and crawled up there and went to sleep with her. I knew they could get along sometimes...but one of them has to be asleep for it to happen.

The last three pictures here are of our dog Dobie. He's a min pin and he's so great. He's about 14.5 lbs. He's a pretty calm dog unless he accidently gets outside. Then we can forget catching him; we don't even try anymore. He just runs so fast and he loves the freedom. So we decided lastnight that we have an electric fence and maybe if we can get it working we'll turn it on. the neighbors (one) isn't happy when we gets loose because thier dog can not be nice to any one or any other dog; so when dobie's out they can't take out thier dog. Poor dobie he just wants to play!
Posted by Blessed By Four at 1:08 PM 0 comments
June 23, 2008
Congrats Terrell and Karen! We love you!

This is when we first got there. We haven't seen karen in quite a while so the girls ran right up to her for a hug. Notice the cute little old schoolhouse they got married in. It's so adorable and was great for a small wedding.

Here is Terrell's daughter Torie. she was so cute she wanted every flower just in the right spot and the wind kept blowing them.

The girls loved blowing bubbles. Marisa and Tori are the same age and got along great!

Posted by Blessed By Four at 9:59 AM 0 comments
June 16, 2008
So I have officially became the meanest mommy in the world. I made my kids do thier chores this morning before anything else. Can you imagine the nerve I have? Honestly when we were kids there was no disscussing the chores or trying to bargain your way out of them. You were given chores and you did them; and if you complained you got more chores. My kids just get money takin' away; until today! I'm so tired of the trying to bargain or cry thier way out of chores (which has never worked anyway) that I gave them extra chores this morning to do. Can you honestly imagine the look on thier faces? It was a look of horror like I had just told them they were dying today or something. One of Mike's friends called and I told him Mike would call him back after he got his chores done; you would of thought I told Mike he could never call him back! What's up with kids today thinking they can be lazy and get out of chores? Why is this generation of children so lazy and think everything needs to be handed to them? I don't raise my kids like that; they have had chores since they were 5 years old; and honestly they have had to clean up toys ect. since they were about 1.5 years old. It's not like we've done it all for them; they've had to do it. Why do they think it's ok to still try to get out of them? I will never understand thier mentality. We are trying to raise responsable kids who do not mind working and it's all going up in flames it seems like. Oh well one day it will pay off I'm sure!
Mike had a good time at diabetes camp. He really enjoys going every year. I unforntatly have no pictures because we did not send a camera with him. Because when we do he gets pictures of the sky and fire; no people. LOL!
Posted by Blessed By Four at 9:08 AM 0 comments
June 9, 2008
Just Blogging!
We dropped Mike off at camp yesterday! He was so ready to get rid of us (imagine that a whole week without his parents; I can't imagine why he was excited!) It went good. We confused the dietician though. LOL...she was fresh from college and no "real life" diabetic experience and most diabetics are on a regimed diet...they can only have so many carbs at meals and snacks. Well not mike he can have whatever he wants and just make sure he does his insulin. So that confused her that he's not regimed so tightly. The other dietician had seen it before though at camp (probably mike) and knew how to handle it.
We then went to dinner with Bill & Judy Longcor from Milford. We served with them in Biloxi, MS this past dec and jan. ! Judy and I were in the kitchen together and got to know eachother and I truly enjoyed her company. It was nice to see them and go for dinner. then we walked along the river (which was suprisingly clean). Then we went grocery shopping and came home. We left yesterday at 10:15am and finally pulled in the driveway at 11:45pm lastnight. The kids and the dog were exhausted from the traveling but they all did well.
When we went in the store we left the van running (locked) because it was too hot to leave the dog out there otherwise; and we let our to go containers from the restaraunt. We came out and Dobie had eaten marisa's grilled cheese and fries; and kaiders chicken finger and fries! It was so funny. His tiny belly was so full and hard. He slept great on the way home.
We have VBS this week. I look forward to the week as we get on some kind of a schedule (because mine lacks when summer comes). I also enjoy the going and listening to the message. I love our church and the non-prepared messages but I kind of like the prepared messages also; so I look forward to them for VBS.
I can't do the stripes I wanted in the bathroom; for some reason the tape keeps ripping the paint off; so I'm now going to a solid color but I don't want just plain. That's boring....any ideas? I have light green paint; dark blue; light blue and yello. I'm thinking of color blocking the one big wall but not quite sure how to do that without taping ( although the internet swears it can be done)!
Posted by Blessed By Four at 11:30 AM 0 comments
June 4, 2008
Graduation and More
Yesterday was the 5th grade graduation. So Mike graduated.......it was kind of weird to think in 7 years he's going to be 18 and possibly not here anymore. It's sobering to think that we've only got 7 years to teach him everything he needs to know before he lives on his own. 7 years goes so fast! and being the wonderful mom I am I forgot my camera....but another mom got some pictures for me so I'll add them when I get them! :)
Mike goes to Diabetes camp on sunday. He's excited as are we. He needs the break from us as much as we need it! ( I mean that in the most motherly loving way possible) He's really excited to go to camp; but on the other hand he's bummed he's missing VBS that week too! But he loves camp. He feels normal that week. All the kids have diabetes....everyone has to check blood sugars before eating...everyone has to take insulin before or after eating....everyone is monitored so close. the camp is great. They have for a cabin of 6 boys I think (the girls are seperate) they have a diaticien (sure I spelled that wrong) and 3 med staff and a doctor....it's awsome these kids are so well looked after at camp.
Well summer is officially here...hot weather....and thunderstorms! Our plans are camp; swimming lessons; then lexi has a choir day camp for a week....and weddings and re decorating rooms....so we are busy!
Posted by Blessed By Four at 9:28 AM 0 comments