Marisa has this nightly routine....she goes to bed; then at 2-3am she either comes in our room and crawls in bed with us or comes out to the living room and curls up on the foam chair. Well this is what we found in the morning. When bob got the camera out it woke up kaiden. He apparently got up and decided she looked comfy and crawled up there and went to sleep with her. I knew they could get along sometimes...but one of them has to be asleep for it to happen.

The last three pictures here are of our dog Dobie. He's a min pin and he's so great. He's about 14.5 lbs. He's a pretty calm dog unless he accidently gets outside. Then we can forget catching him; we don't even try anymore. He just runs so fast and he loves the freedom. So we decided lastnight that we have an electric fence and maybe if we can get it working we'll turn it on. the neighbors (one) isn't happy when we gets loose because thier dog can not be nice to any one or any other dog; so when dobie's out they can't take out thier dog. Poor dobie he just wants to play!
The kids are in swimming lessons this week. I'm there with 4 kids from 8am-10am! Honestly it's crazy. kaiden wants to be in the pool so bad and I have to force marisa to get in (she's so afraid she'll drown she hangs on so tight)! today however it was lightening so mike got in 30 of his 60 minutes of class and the girls' none at all. But it was nice to only be out there a fraction of our normal time. So here's a question what do you do to keep your 2 year old distracted? i take a drink, candy, toy bag and nothing is working. any ideas?
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