July 29, 2008


So some of you may know; many of you not; that I have takin to running. I hate can I repeat; I hate running on the treadmill. So when my friend Amanda was telling me how much she loves running all the time I thought well I could try it outside and if it's bad I'll stop. So we take this girls trip (3 of us) to Indy for an overnight then a day of shopping! And on the way home we all decided we'd run together (which still has not happenedl but we do all run!) So the first day I ran Gina ran with me. I was dreading it; I was sure I'd hate it and it would kill my knees just like on the treadmill. Was I wrong or what! I LOVE running outside. Even though I don't run far (I did just start a week ago) I run 3/4 of a mile (and had to work up to that.) But I look forward to the time me and my friends or MP3 player get to go running. It's so relaxing (what an oxymoron huh?) But I love it.
I went running tonight and that's what started my post; it was so relaxing (even though it's like 92 degrees outside.) I didn't run as far as lasttime but still 3/4 of a mile (last time I was one telephone pole away from a mile this time like I got just to 3/4 of a mile.) I'm hoping to get in running 2 miles by winter. That's my goal!

So if you run how often and how far do you run? What do you do to make your run enjoyable (ex: mp3 player, listen to nature, run with friends?) Do you change your route or stay the same so you know how far you've ran?


L, Ann and boys said...

Running...oh the joy. =o) I try to run every three days or so and I go about two miles. To mix it up, I speed walk a bit and then run really fast...then walk again. It's really good for toning to get in a few speedy minutes. Drink burn more calories because your body isn't scared of passing out. Listen to music, I can't even run a mile without some peppy tunes. Don't eat right before you run...or right before bed, you may not be able to fall asleep really well. Keep it up! =o)

Blessed By Four said...

Thanks Ann! I do have my MP3 player and it can not be a slow song by any means...that makes me want to stop running and walk. I made it the full 1 mile this morning without stopping. I know that doesn't seem like alot to most runners but that's been my quest for 2 weeks and i did it this morning. I will try the running then speedy walking...normally I just walk slow to catch my breath again!

L, Ann and boys said...

Good for you! A mile is a long way and you should be proud. =o) Like I said before...keep it up...your body will adjust to the new work out soon. Also, make sure you check in with your knees and any other area taking a beating while running, don't be afraid to get an inexpensive knee brace for while your running because we ladies take more force to the joints than guys do for some reason.