We were sitting at the dinner table lastnight and Mike starts talking about the KKK (obviously they are learning something in school.) and Alexis asked what they were. So I explained how they don't like anyone who is not white and they really don't like black people. she asked what they did to them and i said well they bullied them alot and burned crosses in their yard. And she goes did they ever kill them? I said sometimes yes they did. marisa with the most horrified look on her face turns around and goes " mommy am I black?" seriously I could not believe she asked me that I was laughing so hard. Then on the way to school today i pointed out a little black boy and said that is a black boy marisa and she goes "oh i just thought he had a good tan." LOL
I was taking lexi down to the ER a few weekends ago because she had a UTI. She thought she had started her period (and for a moment so did I) because of the blood. so on the way down I was explaining that your body has to get rid of the eggs each month blah blah blah. She goes " does that mean I'm pregnant?" to which i had to make myself not laugh and i said " no hunny you have to have sex to get pregnant." to which she answered ever so serious "oh mommy I am not doing that." I said " i know" then like a lightbulb went off in her head she goes "mommy (i won't name names) so and so have had sex cause she's pregnant. I go yes they have ...she goes mommy it's her third baby they've done that 3 times! seriously it's great what they come up with.
12 years ago
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