May 31, 2008

Update on Law in Colorado!

Here's an update.....the law was passed. Thanks Norma for the link!

May 30, 2008

Non-Gender Restrooms?

Yesterday on my way to singing practice I was listening to the radio. Now I know our world is getting very extreme on gay rights ect.; but this takes the cake I believe.
The gill foundation located in colorado; has now decided that both sexes need access to restrooms; regardless of the gender posted on the doors. there is a bill in colorado right now trying to pass this. How long will we continue endanger our children and disobey God? Do we (meaning the world in general) care so much about other peoples rights that we are forgetting to protect our children?
I'm off to write the colorado governor. I would encourage every else to do the same if you don't want your little girls sharing a restroom with grown men someday!

May 29, 2008

Blog Tag

Favorite person (outside family)? Can I plead the 5th on that?
Favorite food? I love salads but fries are a huge weakness of mine
Quirks about you? I am particular about how my dishes are stacked (apparently some people are not); I can't leave my house without my make-up on; I have to brush my teeth before I eat in the morning.
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? LOL...I'm not sure I want to try to answer this for that person
Any regrets in life? of course I have actions I regret; but in hindsight they've all brought me to where I am today so I can't really regret them in a sense you know.
Favorite Charity? whoever needs it at the time
Favorite Blog Read Recenetly? Dawns; if you haven't read it she's so funny and you should
Something you can’t get enough of? movie nights! LOL just time with my friends...girls' nights out or in
Worst job you’ve ever had? wow I don't know.....I loved my jobs and hated them all at the same time. I'm not sure I could pick one.
What job would you pay NOT to have? well if I don't want a job then I guess I just won't apply for one; and if I needed the money bad enough I'd take any job.
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? I'm sure I don't want to be a fly on the wall because they get squished ewwwww
Favorite Bible verse right now? Umm Ish. 46:9 ' I am God and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me'
Guilty Pleasure? pac man I could play for hours (and have at times)
Got any confessions? and I would confess them on the net for everyone; I don't think so.
If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? day at the spa and shopping and girls' night out
Favorite thing about your house? location; half in the counrty but close enough to town to get there quick; have neighbors but I'm not reaching out and touching them in the morning because they are too close........
Least favorite thing about your house? layout I need to tear down and start over
One thing you are bad at? singing...honestly sit in front or beside me sometime at church I can't do it!
One thing you’re good at? ummm anything I want to be except singing
if you could change circumstances, what? well my weight which I'm working on; I'd hire a maid and live in nanny too
Who would you like to meet someday? Jesus
What makes you feel sexy? Well nothing when i normally have 4 kids with me; well at least 2
Who is your real life hero? I'm not sure.....
What is the hardest part of your job? I get no pay, no vacation time; no breaks; no time off I work almost 24/7; no greatfullness (from the kids' ) I dare not go on or I'll start to think I need a job!
When are you most relaxed? when I'm at the spa
What stresses you out? the kids fighting; or not listening
What can you not live without? the kids fighting
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? LOL well I'm sure that's not true
Why do you blog? to keep family and friends updated since most of the family is a few hours away
Who are you tagging? noone; if you want to do this then do it; if not ok....not hurting my feelings at all!

May 27, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

We spent our day and evening at Getz's pond which is normal for us. Although this year was a tad bit more fun since it wasn't near at hot as it normally is. The kids had fun in the water anyways; crazy kids they don't realize that the water is cold.
The first picture is Gina, Amanda, me, Miranda and Tammy....there's always trouble when we are together! :) The next picture is bob and Kaiden. Kaiden wanted to go out on the boat so bad so bob finally took him when the wind died down some....they had so much fun out there. The last picture is marisa in the canoe (there was an adult in the back) she's in the middle! She loved every minute of the water (even though it was freezing)! the last picture is lexi paddling the canoe!
Overall we had a good day and awsome food with so much of it! We are thankful for the friendships we have and the time shared together at the pond!

May 23, 2008

An Adventurous life with kaiden

I told Bob yesterday that I think we have our hands full with this little boy. Tuesday the kids (Marisa & Kaiden) wanted spaghetti O's for lunch. So Kaiden got the can out; pushed the chair to the counter by the stove. then suddenly realized the can is not open; so he pushed the chair over to the drawer where the opener is and got it. then pushed the chair back to the can and tried his 2 year old hardest to open the can. Of course he couldn't figure out how to get the opener on there just right; although he did know how it was suppose to go.
So yesterday Mike stayed home from school not feeling the best. He wanted chicken noodle soup for lunch (as most sick kids do)! So I went to town and got him some. Come home and put it on the counter by the stove. It wasn't there 4 minutes and Kaiden was getting the chair and the can opener. After he tried to open it unsuccessfully for a few minutes he sat the can on the stove burner. then climbed on the counter and tried to turn the stove on. (Of course after the other day I was standing very close by him. ) I said "Kaiden no hot". to which he informed me " mom I make soup for Michael." :)
So I'm wondering when did 2 year olds get so smart. I'm sure my other three kids didn't know what it took to make soup at 2 but maybe it's just because they never tried.
this morning Kaiden showed off his monkey side by showing me that putting up a gate to keep him out of the other room does me know good. He has successfully learned to climb over it. Kaiden is so fun but I forgot how much you have to watch a two year old as they can seriously hurt themselves or otherwise in a matter of seconds.

May 22, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman

So if you listen to Christian Music you know who he is. His teenage son was driving their SUV yesterday; pulled into their driveway hit and killed their 5 year old daughter (adopted from China) Maria. I can't imagine what this family is going through; their heartbreak. I guess they were all outside and all witnessed the accident. We need to remember them in our prayers; and their son who was driving. I'm sure he'll have severe emotional problems and need some counseling for a while. Even though I can't see God's purpose in tragedies like this; He assures us there is one.

May 21, 2008

First Post

So here is my first post. As I was setting up my blog today Kaiden decided to get our a meat cleaver and whack Marisa over the head. maybe a sign that I shouldn't blog?! Doubt it. He's just like that. She does have a cut on her head but she's fine. I gave her Motrin right away I'm sure she will still get a headache though.

So I'm reading these new books called 'A lifetime of secrets' ; very interesting. What happens is people send in their secrets on postcards to this man and he's published them. He also has a website. Something about these are so addicting to me. I love a good secret (don't we all) and here these people are sharing theirs with the world...only no one knows who they are.

I'm re-decorating the kids' bathroom. It's turning into quite the project. When I get it done I'll post before and after pictures!