December 30, 2008


We are getting carpet installed today. So Finally our house is done! Well at least half of it. The other half has to wait on funds to arrive to finish it.....which we're not sure when that is :)
I'll get picutres up soon....hopefully I have some before pictures because I didn't think to take them beforehand!

October 29, 2008

Awww Life!

So we had to fire the company putting our house back together. They haven't been here in forever. So we hired a new company and they are thinking 2-3 weeks and our house will be done! I can't wait. Now to pick out flooring and carpet! And a new pedstal sink for the kids'/guest bathroom.
Bob bought a new vehicle. An '04 Scion. He'll get it in like 2-3 weeks hopefully. For those of you that don't know. He got a Sunfire for free a few years ago and we had to replace the engine. Well he was driving home from work and the car starting tossing parts out on I-65! He was laughing about it because come on that's funny stuff. So we've been driving the truck and the van. And the truck eats gas like I eat snickers (when I have them)! Which neither is cheap or it'll be nice to have a car. So i can drive the van again and the truck can be sold or parked!
4-H forms came home yesterday. Lexi is finally old enough to join in photography. She's so excited. So I emailed the lady to find out time and equipment requirements. I hope we have time for lexi enjoys taking pictures so much and I'd love to feed that!
School is going good for me. Anatomy kinda a HUGE time consumer but I'm learning SO much! It's so interesting the body is. As hard as the class is; I'm enjoying it!
Well that's about the updates for now....oh no wait I forgot the latest ER trip!
So we are goin to renss. monday for lexi's weekly allergy shot. The kids had been horrid all day long; seriously I didn't know they could disobey so much for so long. So I asked them if they could be good for 3 mintues while I run into walgreens. Mike was staying in the car and at 11yrs old I thought he's old enough to sit out here with them for 3-4 minutes. right?
I wasn't in walgreens 45 seconds and he comes running in " mom we have serious problem lexi needs to go to the ER. She shot herself". So I'm thinking what we don't have a gun in the truck what are you talkign about? I go "what" he says "with her pen mom clear through her finger i had to pull the needle out."
So I go out to the truck....she was playing with her EPIPEN and shot it through the bottom of her finger and it came out her nail. There was blood EVERYWHERE.....squirted on risa's face all over lexi's piano folder (she has piano lessons monday afternoons.) I was like oh great. So I take her to the ER not knowing if there was a problem or not. The only thing they worried about after checking vitals to make sure whe was fine; was that the med constricts blood vessels and if they didn't get the blood flowing again then she could lose the top of her finger. I was like you have got to be joking me.
So her finger is fine but she is still in alot of pain from it. I guess she won't do that again will she! ?

October 21, 2008

Update with Mike!

So everything is fine with the neurologist no siezures. We went to the cardiologist today and he definatly has an irregular heartbeat and they also found a mumur. But that's it. Nothing dangerous but at least we know now he has the mumur. Thanks for the prayers!

October 6, 2008

Prayer Request

As some of you may know we took Mike to the doctor a while back; he's been waking up with migraines for some time now and they are super bad. He can barely walk (his balance is way off); he can't stand lights or noise. Once he takes a shower he's a little better. So the doctor sent him for a CT scan and it came back normal. So she sent him to a neurologist. He in turn sent him for an EEG thursday! The doctors office called friday when I was at school and said to call them back before noon or first thing on monday; they needed to talk about mike! So of course I don't get home until 3:30 on friday and was freaking out because they NEVER call with results I ALWAYS have to call them. Well I got ahold of them today and they need him to see a cardiologist! He has what they call PVC (irregular heartbeat) but it's lasting 3-5 minutes. Which they said is way too long to last in a child. So in two weeks he goes to the children's heart hospital to see a cardiologist! Now of course noone upon noone is freaking out like I am!
I did however think that my dad and grandpa have heart problems (not sure what though); and since my father and I are not on speaking terms I called my sister to have her ask if this is what he has. At least them I'll know. Just pray that Mike is ok....and if God's will is something different that I can trust Him and deal with that (whatever "that" may be); because in all honesty right now I'm not ok with anything other than mike being ok! TIA!

September 11, 2008


It's been awhile.
Nothing more has been done on the house. The mold company is coming tuesday to look at the crawl space and give us an estimate to get the mold cleaned out; put something down for moisture, dig and put in a stuff so more money can fly out the window. Insurance isn't covering the crawl because it's not a product of the water damage in the house so we'll see how stressed I am come tuesday when we get this estimate.
I have not ran in two weeks (actually have not excersised at all) and wondered why I was so tired all the time. I ran lastnight thinking there is no way I'm going to run my 2.5 I could 2 weeks ago...I actually was going to be happy if I got half a mile in before dying:) I got in 1.5 miles. Then I had to quit because my side was hurting so terribly bad; I thought I was not going to be able to walk home. Anyone knows what causes this and how to prevent it? I was bummed because I could of gotten in at least 2 miles if not for that.
I have a root canal appt. this morning. Yeah more money out the window. I have had one before (I know that's really bad)! And they really are no worse than getting cavities filled. I have to have this one done because I had a filled cavitity in this tooth; and it blew out one night during movie night with the girls. I kept feeling chunks of "tooth" it was nasty. Oh well it'll be fixed and no more pain...i'm looking forward to that!
Marisa got her hair cut the other day....really short. Like Meg Ryans only Maria went a little scissor happy and cut it too's hair it'll grow. Marisa on the other hand loves it.
I have my first quiz in Anatomy on friday! Wish me luck!

August 21, 2008

Goal Met! I have a new one!

Well my running goal was 2 miles by winter. I met that 2 weeks ago. It's still killing me to run it though; by the time I"m done I don't want to run anymore. So I have a new goal. 3 miles by winter!
Thanks ann for all your advice I appriciate it!

August 12, 2008

House Update

So they started tearing my house part July 17th....they are finally coming in (mold company) to get this going again on Thursday! WE have to move out for a few days while they are tearing it apart (oh joy!) So thankfully we have somewhere to go and not a hotel (not fun with 4 kids and school I'm sure!) Please pray they get this done right and as fast as they can(doing it right of course!) Mine and Alexis' allergies can not take the exposed mold much longer.
That's about as big as an update as I can get right now!
Michael starts 6th grade tommorrow....he's now in the jr/sr. high school. He's so scared. But I'm sure he'll do fine.
Alexis is in 3rd grade now at Wolcott school. We went tonight to her open house and met her teacher (mike had her so we knew her)! She is really excited to have a locker finally! Because apparently school is only fun once you have a locker!
Marisa is going to kindergarten this year. She's not thrilled about this idea at all. Well sort of but not being away from her mommy (bob didn't get the cord cut all the way I'm sure of it.)
So you could pray for a good first day of school tommorrow for all of them and that kaiden (also still attached by the cord) could have a good day just the two of us at home!

July 29, 2008


So some of you may know; many of you not; that I have takin to running. I hate can I repeat; I hate running on the treadmill. So when my friend Amanda was telling me how much she loves running all the time I thought well I could try it outside and if it's bad I'll stop. So we take this girls trip (3 of us) to Indy for an overnight then a day of shopping! And on the way home we all decided we'd run together (which still has not happenedl but we do all run!) So the first day I ran Gina ran with me. I was dreading it; I was sure I'd hate it and it would kill my knees just like on the treadmill. Was I wrong or what! I LOVE running outside. Even though I don't run far (I did just start a week ago) I run 3/4 of a mile (and had to work up to that.) But I look forward to the time me and my friends or MP3 player get to go running. It's so relaxing (what an oxymoron huh?) But I love it.
I went running tonight and that's what started my post; it was so relaxing (even though it's like 92 degrees outside.) I didn't run as far as lasttime but still 3/4 of a mile (last time I was one telephone pole away from a mile this time like I got just to 3/4 of a mile.) I'm hoping to get in running 2 miles by winter. That's my goal!

So if you run how often and how far do you run? What do you do to make your run enjoyable (ex: mp3 player, listen to nature, run with friends?) Do you change your route or stay the same so you know how far you've ran?

July 17, 2008

Demoltion started yesterday!

So they started tearing apart my house yesterday! From the beginning.
We have this dog that sometimes does not make it outside for the restroom; but he's never peed in the house. Well everytime I'd walk through the hallway there was this wet spot. I was getting mad at the dog; mad at the kids sure someone (a.k.a. kaiden) took water back there and was dumping on my carpet. Finally I told bob something is wrong there is now a puddle in the hallway and runs over my feet when I step in it (which was impossible to miss it took up the enitre width of the hallway)! So we called an AC place and they said yes it was leaking we have to replace the pan for $800 because they have to custom make it. And our unit is about 10 years past it's life expancty or we can replace the AC for $3000.00 We still don't have AC (this has been over a month! ) So then we called the ins. because it's obvious we have water damage. Yes they'll fix it and they sent out water specialist. They estimate and say they have to rip out the hallway wall, carpet, and the master bedroom wall and ceiling (just parts of it.)
So fast forward to yesterday (Tuesday) the guys come to rip out the wall and carpet. And they decided that this is much worse than they thought we have mold; and more than they usually deal with. they are now thinking ; after ripping out the hallway wall and carpet: that the kids' bathroom floor has to come up (we were not sad about this). then they got in the crawl space and said that under the tub is soaked too! Fun stuff. So now we are waiting to see what all has to be done.
As we are waiting we can not use our AC and it's 90 degress + outside. It did get down to 67 degrees lastnight so we opened up and kept all the fans on. Not helping this morning though it's kinda' warm in here. Not to mention they have dehumidifiers going which make it really hot in here!

July 1, 2008

Sunday School Picnic

Well it was a great day. We had awsome weather; it's usually so hot noone wants to be outside. This year I'm not sure too many people were inside.
The kids all said thier verses they had to know well. Michael had Psalms 100. Alexis had Ephesians 6:14-17. marisa had John 3:16. Thier classes did so well. Here are some pictures! ENJOY!
marisa's class saying thier pieces! She is on the far left front row pink shirt.Kaiden kept taking people's pop when they would leave them. He decided to mix root beer and diet coke!
Mike and kaiden playing
Me feeding kaiden ice cream...or kaiden eating my ice cream.
Mike and Dean playing B-Ball.
Alexis hurt her ankle some how so instead of ice she got the pop pool!
kaiden being a monkey (as normal)
the kids were all riding skate boards and roller blades down the hill. Kaiden was doing so good then I missed when he fell off and ate the dirt!

Choir Concert!!!

So lexi was chosen for this summer choir workshop for Bache Choral Children's Choir of lafayette! she took the school but every day last week after swimming and spent the day in lafayette for practice. then saturday they had a preformance. it was great and all the kids did so well! Enjoy the pics.
Andrea~ do you arrange music for them? Some of the music said arranged by Andrea S***** (not putting your lastname for privacy purposes)? bob said he didn't think you did that but we didn't know any other Andrea S in lafayette. Not that there isn't one.
Lexi and Grace.............such good friends
Lexi , grace and Sophie!
the entire choir. there were 75 kids. Most from our school corporation.
preforming....lexi is in the front row second from the left!

June 29, 2008


Lexi's choir concert pictures from yesterday (saturday june 28th) and Sunday School Picnic pictures from today (sunday June 29th) !
Hopefully I'll get these up least the concert pictures I will. It's way past my bedtime at 11:40pm! Have a good night!

June 25, 2008


Marisa has this nightly routine....she goes to bed; then at 2-3am she either comes in our room and crawls in bed with us or comes out to the living room and curls up on the foam chair. Well this is what we found in the morning. When bob got the camera out it woke up kaiden. He apparently got up and decided she looked comfy and crawled up there and went to sleep with her. I knew they could get along sometimes...but one of them has to be asleep for it to happen.

The last three pictures here are of our dog Dobie. He's a min pin and he's so great. He's about 14.5 lbs. He's a pretty calm dog unless he accidently gets outside. Then we can forget catching him; we don't even try anymore. He just runs so fast and he loves the freedom. So we decided lastnight that we have an electric fence and maybe if we can get it working we'll turn it on. the neighbors (one) isn't happy when we gets loose because thier dog can not be nice to any one or any other dog; so when dobie's out they can't take out thier dog. Poor dobie he just wants to play!
The kids are in swimming lessons this week. I'm there with 4 kids from 8am-10am! Honestly it's crazy. kaiden wants to be in the pool so bad and I have to force marisa to get in (she's so afraid she'll drown she hangs on so tight)! today however it was lightening so mike got in 30 of his 60 minutes of class and the girls' none at all. But it was nice to only be out there a fraction of our normal time. So here's a question what do you do to keep your 2 year old distracted? i take a drink, candy, toy bag and nothing is working. any ideas?

June 23, 2008

Congrats Terrell and Karen! We love you!

Well my sister in law is now officially married! It was great to see her on saturday and spend time with her and her new husband and step-daughters. They will be taking a cruise in (I think) September for thier honeymoon. Have a great time.

This is when we first got there. We haven't seen karen in quite a while so the girls ran right up to her for a hug. Notice the cute little old schoolhouse they got married in. It's so adorable and was great for a small wedding.

Here is the groom waiting for the bride. karens' son matthew is the little boy up there with Terrell (and his brother)! I can't beleive how big Matthew is getting.

Here is Terrell's daughter Torie. she was so cute she wanted every flower just in the right spot and the wind kept blowing them.

Karen getting walked down the aisle by dad! karen and terrell saying thier vows. So they did the neatest thing at thier wedding since they are now a blended family. They each had thier own color of sand in indivivual containers; they all poured thier sand in a bigger container. The way it was explained is this is now thier family and just as the sand can never be taken out and put back into individual containers again they will never be seperated either. The sand will always be mixed. I thought it was a great idea. They are now man and wife! They rang this really neat bell as they were walking out. I love church bells when they are ringing!

The girls loved blowing bubbles. Marisa and Tori are the same age and got along great!

Karen and Terrell! We wish you a lifetime of happiness. If your marriage is focused on Christ it can not be focused on self and therefore you should be pretty happy!

June 16, 2008


So I have officially became the meanest mommy in the world. I made my kids do thier chores this morning before anything else. Can you imagine the nerve I have? Honestly when we were kids there was no disscussing the chores or trying to bargain your way out of them. You were given chores and you did them; and if you complained you got more chores. My kids just get money takin' away; until today! I'm so tired of the trying to bargain or cry thier way out of chores (which has never worked anyway) that I gave them extra chores this morning to do. Can you honestly imagine the look on thier faces? It was a look of horror like I had just told them they were dying today or something. One of Mike's friends called and I told him Mike would call him back after he got his chores done; you would of thought I told Mike he could never call him back! What's up with kids today thinking they can be lazy and get out of chores? Why is this generation of children so lazy and think everything needs to be handed to them? I don't raise my kids like that; they have had chores since they were 5 years old; and honestly they have had to clean up toys ect. since they were about 1.5 years old. It's not like we've done it all for them; they've had to do it. Why do they think it's ok to still try to get out of them? I will never understand thier mentality. We are trying to raise responsable kids who do not mind working and it's all going up in flames it seems like. Oh well one day it will pay off I'm sure!

Mike had a good time at diabetes camp. He really enjoys going every year. I unforntatly have no pictures because we did not send a camera with him. Because when we do he gets pictures of the sky and fire; no people. LOL!

June 9, 2008

Just Blogging!

We dropped Mike off at camp yesterday! He was so ready to get rid of us (imagine that a whole week without his parents; I can't imagine why he was excited!) It went good. We confused the dietician though. LOL...she was fresh from college and no "real life" diabetic experience and most diabetics are on a regimed diet...they can only have so many carbs at meals and snacks. Well not mike he can have whatever he wants and just make sure he does his insulin. So that confused her that he's not regimed so tightly. The other dietician had seen it before though at camp (probably mike) and knew how to handle it.
We then went to dinner with Bill & Judy Longcor from Milford. We served with them in Biloxi, MS this past dec and jan. ! Judy and I were in the kitchen together and got to know eachother and I truly enjoyed her company. It was nice to see them and go for dinner. then we walked along the river (which was suprisingly clean). Then we went grocery shopping and came home. We left yesterday at 10:15am and finally pulled in the driveway at 11:45pm lastnight. The kids and the dog were exhausted from the traveling but they all did well.
When we went in the store we left the van running (locked) because it was too hot to leave the dog out there otherwise; and we let our to go containers from the restaraunt. We came out and Dobie had eaten marisa's grilled cheese and fries; and kaiders chicken finger and fries! It was so funny. His tiny belly was so full and hard. He slept great on the way home.

We have VBS this week. I look forward to the week as we get on some kind of a schedule (because mine lacks when summer comes). I also enjoy the going and listening to the message. I love our church and the non-prepared messages but I kind of like the prepared messages also; so I look forward to them for VBS.

I can't do the stripes I wanted in the bathroom; for some reason the tape keeps ripping the paint off; so I'm now going to a solid color but I don't want just plain. That's boring....any ideas? I have light green paint; dark blue; light blue and yello. I'm thinking of color blocking the one big wall but not quite sure how to do that without taping ( although the internet swears it can be done)!

June 4, 2008

Graduation and More

Yesterday was the 5th grade graduation. So Mike was kind of weird to think in 7 years he's going to be 18 and possibly not here anymore. It's sobering to think that we've only got 7 years to teach him everything he needs to know before he lives on his own. 7 years goes so fast! and being the wonderful mom I am I forgot my camera....but another mom got some pictures for me so I'll add them when I get them! :)
Mike goes to Diabetes camp on sunday. He's excited as are we. He needs the break from us as much as we need it! ( I mean that in the most motherly loving way possible) He's really excited to go to camp; but on the other hand he's bummed he's missing VBS that week too! But he loves camp. He feels normal that week. All the kids have diabetes....everyone has to check blood sugars before eating...everyone has to take insulin before or after eating....everyone is monitored so close. the camp is great. They have for a cabin of 6 boys I think (the girls are seperate) they have a diaticien (sure I spelled that wrong) and 3 med staff and a's awsome these kids are so well looked after at camp.
Well summer is officially weather....and thunderstorms! Our plans are camp; swimming lessons; then lexi has a choir day camp for a week....and weddings and re decorating we are busy!

May 31, 2008

Update on Law in Colorado!

Here's an update.....the law was passed. Thanks Norma for the link!

May 30, 2008

Non-Gender Restrooms?

Yesterday on my way to singing practice I was listening to the radio. Now I know our world is getting very extreme on gay rights ect.; but this takes the cake I believe.
The gill foundation located in colorado; has now decided that both sexes need access to restrooms; regardless of the gender posted on the doors. there is a bill in colorado right now trying to pass this. How long will we continue endanger our children and disobey God? Do we (meaning the world in general) care so much about other peoples rights that we are forgetting to protect our children?
I'm off to write the colorado governor. I would encourage every else to do the same if you don't want your little girls sharing a restroom with grown men someday!

May 29, 2008

Blog Tag

Favorite person (outside family)? Can I plead the 5th on that?
Favorite food? I love salads but fries are a huge weakness of mine
Quirks about you? I am particular about how my dishes are stacked (apparently some people are not); I can't leave my house without my make-up on; I have to brush my teeth before I eat in the morning.
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? LOL...I'm not sure I want to try to answer this for that person
Any regrets in life? of course I have actions I regret; but in hindsight they've all brought me to where I am today so I can't really regret them in a sense you know.
Favorite Charity? whoever needs it at the time
Favorite Blog Read Recenetly? Dawns; if you haven't read it she's so funny and you should
Something you can’t get enough of? movie nights! LOL just time with my friends...girls' nights out or in
Worst job you’ve ever had? wow I don't know.....I loved my jobs and hated them all at the same time. I'm not sure I could pick one.
What job would you pay NOT to have? well if I don't want a job then I guess I just won't apply for one; and if I needed the money bad enough I'd take any job.
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? I'm sure I don't want to be a fly on the wall because they get squished ewwwww
Favorite Bible verse right now? Umm Ish. 46:9 ' I am God and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me'
Guilty Pleasure? pac man I could play for hours (and have at times)
Got any confessions? and I would confess them on the net for everyone; I don't think so.
If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? day at the spa and shopping and girls' night out
Favorite thing about your house? location; half in the counrty but close enough to town to get there quick; have neighbors but I'm not reaching out and touching them in the morning because they are too close........
Least favorite thing about your house? layout I need to tear down and start over
One thing you are bad at? singing...honestly sit in front or beside me sometime at church I can't do it!
One thing you’re good at? ummm anything I want to be except singing
if you could change circumstances, what? well my weight which I'm working on; I'd hire a maid and live in nanny too
Who would you like to meet someday? Jesus
What makes you feel sexy? Well nothing when i normally have 4 kids with me; well at least 2
Who is your real life hero? I'm not sure.....
What is the hardest part of your job? I get no pay, no vacation time; no breaks; no time off I work almost 24/7; no greatfullness (from the kids' ) I dare not go on or I'll start to think I need a job!
When are you most relaxed? when I'm at the spa
What stresses you out? the kids fighting; or not listening
What can you not live without? the kids fighting
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? LOL well I'm sure that's not true
Why do you blog? to keep family and friends updated since most of the family is a few hours away
Who are you tagging? noone; if you want to do this then do it; if not ok....not hurting my feelings at all!

May 27, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

We spent our day and evening at Getz's pond which is normal for us. Although this year was a tad bit more fun since it wasn't near at hot as it normally is. The kids had fun in the water anyways; crazy kids they don't realize that the water is cold.
The first picture is Gina, Amanda, me, Miranda and Tammy....there's always trouble when we are together! :) The next picture is bob and Kaiden. Kaiden wanted to go out on the boat so bad so bob finally took him when the wind died down some....they had so much fun out there. The last picture is marisa in the canoe (there was an adult in the back) she's in the middle! She loved every minute of the water (even though it was freezing)! the last picture is lexi paddling the canoe!
Overall we had a good day and awsome food with so much of it! We are thankful for the friendships we have and the time shared together at the pond!

May 23, 2008

An Adventurous life with kaiden

I told Bob yesterday that I think we have our hands full with this little boy. Tuesday the kids (Marisa & Kaiden) wanted spaghetti O's for lunch. So Kaiden got the can out; pushed the chair to the counter by the stove. then suddenly realized the can is not open; so he pushed the chair over to the drawer where the opener is and got it. then pushed the chair back to the can and tried his 2 year old hardest to open the can. Of course he couldn't figure out how to get the opener on there just right; although he did know how it was suppose to go.
So yesterday Mike stayed home from school not feeling the best. He wanted chicken noodle soup for lunch (as most sick kids do)! So I went to town and got him some. Come home and put it on the counter by the stove. It wasn't there 4 minutes and Kaiden was getting the chair and the can opener. After he tried to open it unsuccessfully for a few minutes he sat the can on the stove burner. then climbed on the counter and tried to turn the stove on. (Of course after the other day I was standing very close by him. ) I said "Kaiden no hot". to which he informed me " mom I make soup for Michael." :)
So I'm wondering when did 2 year olds get so smart. I'm sure my other three kids didn't know what it took to make soup at 2 but maybe it's just because they never tried.
this morning Kaiden showed off his monkey side by showing me that putting up a gate to keep him out of the other room does me know good. He has successfully learned to climb over it. Kaiden is so fun but I forgot how much you have to watch a two year old as they can seriously hurt themselves or otherwise in a matter of seconds.

May 22, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman

So if you listen to Christian Music you know who he is. His teenage son was driving their SUV yesterday; pulled into their driveway hit and killed their 5 year old daughter (adopted from China) Maria. I can't imagine what this family is going through; their heartbreak. I guess they were all outside and all witnessed the accident. We need to remember them in our prayers; and their son who was driving. I'm sure he'll have severe emotional problems and need some counseling for a while. Even though I can't see God's purpose in tragedies like this; He assures us there is one.

May 21, 2008

First Post

So here is my first post. As I was setting up my blog today Kaiden decided to get our a meat cleaver and whack Marisa over the head. maybe a sign that I shouldn't blog?! Doubt it. He's just like that. She does have a cut on her head but she's fine. I gave her Motrin right away I'm sure she will still get a headache though.

So I'm reading these new books called 'A lifetime of secrets' ; very interesting. What happens is people send in their secrets on postcards to this man and he's published them. He also has a website. Something about these are so addicting to me. I love a good secret (don't we all) and here these people are sharing theirs with the world...only no one knows who they are.

I'm re-decorating the kids' bathroom. It's turning into quite the project. When I get it done I'll post before and after pictures!