July 29, 2008


So some of you may know; many of you not; that I have takin to running. I hate can I repeat; I hate running on the treadmill. So when my friend Amanda was telling me how much she loves running all the time I thought well I could try it outside and if it's bad I'll stop. So we take this girls trip (3 of us) to Indy for an overnight then a day of shopping! And on the way home we all decided we'd run together (which still has not happenedl but we do all run!) So the first day I ran Gina ran with me. I was dreading it; I was sure I'd hate it and it would kill my knees just like on the treadmill. Was I wrong or what! I LOVE running outside. Even though I don't run far (I did just start a week ago) I run 3/4 of a mile (and had to work up to that.) But I look forward to the time me and my friends or MP3 player get to go running. It's so relaxing (what an oxymoron huh?) But I love it.
I went running tonight and that's what started my post; it was so relaxing (even though it's like 92 degrees outside.) I didn't run as far as lasttime but still 3/4 of a mile (last time I was one telephone pole away from a mile this time like I got just to 3/4 of a mile.) I'm hoping to get in running 2 miles by winter. That's my goal!

So if you run how often and how far do you run? What do you do to make your run enjoyable (ex: mp3 player, listen to nature, run with friends?) Do you change your route or stay the same so you know how far you've ran?

July 17, 2008

Demoltion started yesterday!

So they started tearing apart my house yesterday! From the beginning.
We have this dog that sometimes does not make it outside for the restroom; but he's never peed in the house. Well everytime I'd walk through the hallway there was this wet spot. I was getting mad at the dog; mad at the kids sure someone (a.k.a. kaiden) took water back there and was dumping on my carpet. Finally I told bob something is wrong there is now a puddle in the hallway and runs over my feet when I step in it (which was impossible to miss it took up the enitre width of the hallway)! So we called an AC place and they said yes it was leaking we have to replace the pan for $800 because they have to custom make it. And our unit is about 10 years past it's life expancty or we can replace the AC for $3000.00 We still don't have AC (this has been over a month! ) So then we called the ins. because it's obvious we have water damage. Yes they'll fix it and they sent out water specialist. They estimate and say they have to rip out the hallway wall, carpet, and the master bedroom wall and ceiling (just parts of it.)
So fast forward to yesterday (Tuesday) the guys come to rip out the wall and carpet. And they decided that this is much worse than they thought we have mold; and more than they usually deal with. they are now thinking ; after ripping out the hallway wall and carpet: that the kids' bathroom floor has to come up (we were not sad about this). then they got in the crawl space and said that under the tub is soaked too! Fun stuff. So now we are waiting to see what all has to be done.
As we are waiting we can not use our AC and it's 90 degress + outside. It did get down to 67 degrees lastnight so we opened up and kept all the fans on. Not helping this morning though it's kinda' warm in here. Not to mention they have dehumidifiers going which make it really hot in here!

July 1, 2008

Sunday School Picnic

Well it was a great day. We had awsome weather; it's usually so hot noone wants to be outside. This year I'm not sure too many people were inside.
The kids all said thier verses they had to know well. Michael had Psalms 100. Alexis had Ephesians 6:14-17. marisa had John 3:16. Thier classes did so well. Here are some pictures! ENJOY!
marisa's class saying thier pieces! She is on the far left front row pink shirt.Kaiden kept taking people's pop when they would leave them. He decided to mix root beer and diet coke!
Mike and kaiden playing
Me feeding kaiden ice cream...or kaiden eating my ice cream.
Mike and Dean playing B-Ball.
Alexis hurt her ankle some how so instead of ice she got the pop pool!
kaiden being a monkey (as normal)
the kids were all riding skate boards and roller blades down the hill. Kaiden was doing so good then I missed when he fell off and ate the dirt!

Choir Concert!!!

So lexi was chosen for this summer choir workshop for Bache Choral Children's Choir of lafayette! she took the school but every day last week after swimming and spent the day in lafayette for practice. then saturday they had a preformance. it was great and all the kids did so well! Enjoy the pics.
Andrea~ do you arrange music for them? Some of the music said arranged by Andrea S***** (not putting your lastname for privacy purposes)? bob said he didn't think you did that but we didn't know any other Andrea S in lafayette. Not that there isn't one.
Lexi and Grace.............such good friends
Lexi , grace and Sophie!
the entire choir. there were 75 kids. Most from our school corporation.
preforming....lexi is in the front row second from the left!